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Welcome to the Pin Oak Village Website
Pin Oak Village residents: Register through the link in the top section to gain access to resident-only content and update your profile.  You control if your information is available online to other registered users.
Coming Soon!
Coming soon to Pin Oak! Hoping install will be complete by Thanskgiving so everyone can enjoy the new playground. 
We have a couple of volunteer opportunities open in our community.
1. There is an open position on the HOA Board. This position would be until February 2025.
2. There is an open position on the ACC (Architectural Control Committee). 
If you are interested in either opportunity please use the Contact Us form on the webpage and let us know. 
Thank you! 
The Pin Oak Village HOA Board of Directors 
Katy Management District 1 Letter to Residents of FBC MUD 37
Residents - 
Please take a moment to read the letter from Katy Management District 1 regarding the Berm. 
Pin Oak Village Survey Results
Thank you very much for all those who participated in our neighborhood survey either online or with the paper copies. I've posted the summary of results here.  
Please come out to the next HOA meeting on Wednesday April 10th at 6:30pm where we will be discussing these results. If you ever have any questions or comments please feel free to use the "Contact Us"form on the left hand side of the page.
Pin Oak Village HOA Board of Directors 
Swim Lessons!
Hey neighbors! 
Pin Oak is getting a new pool management company this year so please welcome Swim Houston to Pin Oak. 
They are offering swim lessons this summer! 
Below is the information for registration. Pricing is $200 for 5 lessons. They currently only allow one student per lesson unless the swimmers are siblings. There is a discount for siblings. 
Please check it out! 
We wanted to make the residents aware that you can reserve the tennis courts by using the calendar tab on the left hand side of the website. This means you would have priority over the court you reserved when you'd like to play. The HOA Board made some changes to the Tennis Leagues as well. We will be requiring a resident on each league team so if you'd like to play please go to the tennis team page for more information.
Berm update
Attention residents that live on the berm: The Katy Management District, who manage the berm, and the City of Katy, who own the berm, have chosen as of their June 22, 2022 meeting to table discussion of the letter or requests made by the HOA. This means no action has been taken on the requests for signage, managing the google maps entries that show it as public trails or any other requests made have been forwarded to the City for action. The Fort Bend County MUD Board is the only entity that has the ability to make requests of the KMD or City at this time so future requests for no trespassing signs and help managing trespassers will need to be addressed with them. They meet on the 3rd Wed of the month at 7pm in the Pin Oak Clubhouse.
Update Aug 24th: Per our MUD Board the KMD has installed a gate and 2 signs that state the Berm is private property. They also are working to have the berm removed from Google maps. We will continue to update you as we are informed of progress. Thank you. 
Trash and Recycling
For updates on trash collection and recycling please visit the Fort Bend MUD 37 website at https://www.fbcmud37.com/
W.I.S.E. Guys
Did you know that you can have a FREE evaluation done of your irrigation system? Our MUD participates in the W.I.S.E. guys program through the North Ft Bend Water Authority (NFBWA). This benefits you with the possibility of lowering your water bill and helps out the MUD because they can get rebates when we participate! It's a win-win! If you'd like to participate go and sign up at: https://www.nfbwa.com/wise-guys
Pin Oak Village on Social Media
Pin Oak Village does not maintain an official social media presence online out side of this website (www.pinoakvillagekaty.com).  You may also use the Crest management portal to get required information and documents (www.crest-management.com)
While Pin Oak Village doesn't have an official presence on social media some residents utilize Nextdoor and Facebook to keep in touch about missing pets, crime or events. 
There are currently 2 Facebook groups. One group is titled "Official Pin Oak Neighborhood Group" and the other is "Pin Oak Village Neighborhood Group". We reccomend joining the"Official" page as it is the only one where the HOA will disseminate information outside of this website. 
Neither of these are run by the HOA.

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