Attention residents that live on the berm: The Katy Management District, who manage the berm, and the City of Katy, who own the berm, have chosen as of their June 22, 2022 meeting to table discussion of the letter or requests made by the HOA. This means no action has been taken on the requests for signage, managing the google maps entries that show it as public trails or any other requests made have been forwarded to the City for action. The Fort Bend County MUD Board is the only entity that has the ability to make requests of the KMD or City at this time so future requests for no trespassing signs and help managing trespassers will need to be addressed with them. They meet on the 3rd Wed of the month at 7pm in the Pin Oak Clubhouse.
Update Aug 24th: Per our MUD Board the KMD has installed a gate and 2 signs that state the Berm is private property. They also are working to have the berm removed from Google maps. We will continue to update you as we are informed of progress. Thank you.